
This is the Gate to Our Old Site

Some of you might know that Hartmut and I started shortly after Eddie's 80th birthday, in 2000.

I would call Eddie on the phone and tell him what we were planning, and he would ask questions, and then we would explain, edit, add, change etc.

Or we would go to Glasgow, and visit him in his flat in Whittingehame Court, and show him what the new pages/graphics/photos looked like on our laptop – and have lots of fun doing that. And even in later years, when his health situation forced him to move to a nursing home, he'd still take part in the process.

And this is why Hartmut and I decided that we'd keep this site exactly as it was – as a kind of museum. There will be no changes or even updates, but you are very welcome to explore what is already there. (Miraculously, some of the old links are still working.)

For up-to-date stuff, you can check out the new part of